Breakthrough Cases Surging in Wake County

Not so long ago, the number of breakthrough cases in Wake County made up just 2.9% of the total new cases. As of this morning this percentage shot up to 20%. So, what changed? Why are vaccinated people getting the virus?
Breakthrough Cases

About a month ago, breakthrough cases, meaning new cases among fully vaccinated people made up just 2.9% of total cases. As reported by WRAL, these are all the cases between January 23 and July 29th. A nice game of numbers. Let’s look at why. In January, a very small percentage of the population in NC was fully vaccinated. As of today, the percentage of fully vaccinated is much higher, around 60%. And so the breakthrough cases shot up to almost 1 in 5 new cases (20%). 

Comparing Apples and Oranges

If we want to understand these numbers, we have to take the scientific approach. Or just use common sense. Either way, when studying numbers, it is important to understand the context. On one side, we’re comparing total cases to new cases. These numbers do not take into consideration two major factors. Number one, earlier in the year the percentage of fully vaccinated people was much lower. And number two, people who got the jab were initially well protected, and did not feel the need to go get tested. No only did they feel no need to get tested, vaccinated people had an official vaccination card that proved their immunity, but did it?

They were not forced by the government, business, schools, employers, concert operators etc.  If throughout the entire year everyone was tested, regardless of vaccination status, then the numbers might have been different. So, we are being presented numbers that are just comparing apples and oranges.

Numbers to Fit the Narrative

There is no doubt the vaccine has a positive impact on the slowing down the spread of the virus. There is also no doubt that the vaccines saved and keeps saving lives. But, it is not an almighty savior of all! It has so far not been thoroughly studied and its impacts are wildly twisted to fit the narrative. Before the Delta variant started spreading, numbers were compiled in a way to show low number of breakthrough cases. Now that Delta is breaking through it and studies showing the waning effects are coming out, our leaders go back to the senseless masks. Hence, we are being presented with numbers showing higher percentages of breakthrough cases. 

New Study Coming From UK

A new study coming out of the UK, published just a week ago, indicates that the “old” vaccine, the one being pushed onto people now, has lower effect against the Delta variant (mutation). Just like the seasonal flu vaccine has various effects on different mutations, so does the Covid vaccine. Now you take that into consideration with the fact that once you’re vaccinated, you have to wait 8 months to get the Delta booster and you got some real trouble. You will have people going around with vaccination cards, thinking they are protected. And these people have to wait another 8 months, unprotected it would seem, to get the booster for the currently most widely spread Delta variant.

Breakthrough Cases and Masks

While North Carolina is now posting data that 20% of new cases are fully vaccinated people wants everyone to start asking up again, Massachusetts is way ahead in these numbers. As per a CNBC report from July 30th, 2021, Massachusetts reported a 74% share of fully vaccinated people among new cases. Our outlook for North Carolina is not looking great, masks or no masks. 

Despite this obvious failure of the vaccine to fully protect, it is being pushed onto people in tremendous strides. Why? Well, for one it is of help to some. And for two, doctors and politicians do not have anything else to offer. They are riding just a single narrative: masks, vaccine. Is there nothing else? Yes, there is. So, why aren’t alternatives such as increasing people’s well being and immune systems being discussed? That’s the million dollar question! 

Take Personal Responsibility

The one thing not being denied, but also not being promoted is personal responsibility. Many people just love being taken care of. And the politicians are glad to quickly jump in. They will promise they’ll take care of everything for you. “Wear a mask and let us worry about it.” Well, if masks worked, why are we in season two? And there are plenty more seasons to come if you do not take personal responsibility. Improve your health through exercise, take vitamins, spend more time outside in the sun, eat better, lose weight. Those are things you can control and will improve your body’s defense. No one else can do that for you.

In addition, if you feel sick, stay at home. This has been true for decades, but many ignored it. When you sneeze or cough, put a hand in front of your face. This simple act, in most cases, will substitute mask wearing and will show you’re a respectful person. After sneezing use hand sanitizer to clean the hand. And in general, increase hand washing. In all the tests performed on stopping flu like viruses, hand washing came out as one of the top measures.  
