We The People Think Tank

Our Mission

Our mission is to educate and enlighten people about a broad spectrum of topics from current events and history. In communication we look for ways to help you in your everyday life by listening and making sure your voices are heard in the right places. We strive to become the platform for people of all colors, backgrounds, religions. The way we achieve this is by reaching out to to communities and offering them a helping hand, attentive ear and a place, where its members will not feel alienated.


We want to empower people like you through knowledge, information and understanding to not be afraid to stand up for your beliefs and get things done. Our think tank optimatium.org is the platform that will get your message out.

We The People Think Tank is based in Raleigh, North Carolina and our primary focus is of course our local community. However, through these efforts and open, unbiased discussions we hope to start a national, possibly a global movement. A movement, where people can express their views and obtain information free of media, political or other forms bias.