We The People Think Tank


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Breakthrough Cases

Breakthrough Cases Surging in Wake County

Not so long ago, the number of breakthrough cases in Wake County made up just 2.9% of the total new cases. As of this morning this percentage shot up to 20%. So, what changed? Why are vaccinated people getting the virus?

New Wake County Mask Mandates

New Wake County Mask Mandates

On Friday, new mask mandates were implemented in the Wake County. However, the final decision was left up to the mayors. Why?

Southeast Raleigh Community Personal Safety Forum

Southeast Raleigh Community and Personal Safety Forum​

On Thursday August 5th the Concerned Citizen of Southeast Raleigh interest group organized Southeast Raleigh Community & Personal Safety Forum. It was locally a very important event, which brought security experts closer to the members of the Southeast Raleigh community.

Anti Mask Mandate Protest at WCPSS

Anti Mask Mandate Protest at WCPSS

On Tuesday, there was a mask mandate protest at the WCPSS (Wake County Public School System). It was organized by the Carolinateachers.org. This protest took place at 5625 Dillard Drive, Cary NC 27518.

Breakthrough Cases

Breakthrough Cases Surging in Wake County

Not so long ago, the number of breakthrough cases in Wake County made up just 2.9% of the total new cases. As of this morning this percentage shot up to 20%. So, what changed? Why are vaccinated people getting the virus?

New Wake County Mask Mandates

New Wake County Mask Mandates

On Friday, new mask mandates were implemented in the Wake County. However, the final decision was left up to the mayors. Why?

Southeast Raleigh Community Personal Safety Forum

Southeast Raleigh Community and Personal Safety Forum​

On Thursday August 5th the Concerned Citizen of Southeast Raleigh interest group organized Southeast Raleigh Community & Personal Safety Forum. It was locally a very important event, which brought security experts closer to the members of the Southeast Raleigh community.

Anti Mask Mandate Protest at WCPSS

Anti Mask Mandate Protest at WCPSS

On Tuesday, there was a mask mandate protest at the WCPSS (Wake County Public School System). It was organized by the Carolinateachers.org. This protest took place at 5625 Dillard Drive, Cary NC 27518.