We The People Think Tank


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FDA Approval of Comirnaty

CDC Page on the FDA Approval of Comirnaty

The FDA Approval of Comirnaty was recently published. The CDC has a very detailed description of this limited approval. Let’s take a look at what exactly the limitations are.

Mask Efficacy

Results of CDC Supported Studies on Mask Efficacy

Everyone talks about how the science points to mask efficacy in stopping the spread of the Covid-19 virus. We decided to take a look at the science facts collected by the CDC long before Covid pandemic. The results are, well, make up your own mind.

FDA Approval of Comirnaty

CDC Page on the FDA Approval of Comirnaty

The FDA Approval of Comirnaty was recently published. The CDC has a very detailed description of this limited approval. Let’s take a look at what exactly the limitations are.

Mask Efficacy

Results of CDC Supported Studies on Mask Efficacy

Everyone talks about how the science points to mask efficacy in stopping the spread of the Covid-19 virus. We decided to take a look at the science facts collected by the CDC long before Covid pandemic. The results are, well, make up your own mind.