Although, too many seem to have forgotten their primary assignment long ago. So, let’s better define the role of a politician. Anyone holding any position, whether in the corporate world or in politics, tends to gets the feeling of irreplaceability. In addition to this feeling, they also tend to get a feeling of greater authority and power over their employees, voters etc.
What does G. Washington have to say about career politicians and parties?
However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” – FAREWELL ADDRESS | SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1796
It is as if our first president was an oracle and saw the future right into the 21st century. Politics today seem to be about party first and polarization rather than cooperation. Constitution did not give the political power to be self serving. We the people did. It is time to start reminding the politicians and the parties that this is not what the founding fathers intended. The politicians must be held accountable for putting party over people. Communication must start and if a politician will not listen to, or represent us the people, then it is our constitutional obligation to hear the words of warning from George Washington and take action. By action we mean to become active in picking the candidates, and going to vote.
Career Politicians
The problem lies with career politicians. After a while they tend to think, “If people vote me out, my career is over.” They’ll do anything to keep their “job”. Just like in the corporate world. And here comes the party saying, “Vote this way, and we’ll make sure they you keep your job.” This process takes away the primary role of a politician. The purpose to serve people. The number one question we the people should be asking of any politician or candidate for office, “What have you done for us before entering politics.” In other words, how did the politician or candidate contribute to local community before doing it for government (tax) money? Many politicians go to college, and go straight to politics without ever doing much volunteering or just simple help the neighbor stuff. What do you think these people will do once their party helps them get elected?
Sure, they’ll all say vote for me and I’ll fight for you on the campaign trail. They will point out the bad things about the other party and its candidates, members, politicians and so on. But, how did they help their community on their own dime?
Get Involved in Picking Your Candidates
And this is where we the people must come in. We either pick the wrong candidates, or we have them picked for us. Reason is that we think our voices don’t matter. The numbers prove it as well. Just check how many people go vote in the primaries. Take a look at how many people attend primary town halls with candidates. How many of you reach out to the candidates and ask them a question? And this is only talking about the primaries, party elections. What happens then is that two candidates get picked, one from each party. We the people think they are bad choices without even attending a single event or asking a single question. And then the voter turn out at municipal level elections is in the 20-30% range. If you want quality candidates, you must pick then yourself, period
So What Is the Role of a Politician?
In short, it is to serve the people. Do all the politicians do it? Some do, some don’t. The political parties over the years made us believe that they are the most important. No, they’re not. And whether you are a registered democrat or a republican, you should go out and talk to candidates in both parties. After all, whoever gets elected will have to serve everyone in their constituency! This is a principle that seems to be departing our society, as we’re mislead to believe that party comes first. No, America comes first. Communication strictly along party lines is destructive. And if we want to have a functional government and country, then we must reach across political party lines and put people first, party second. It is one of our organization’s top priorities to have a productive communication among all the people.
Join us in our efforts. Let’s make the peoples’ voices heard and remind our officials what is the role of a politician.